
Archives for : May2015

Pandorya plays The Town of Light and other news.

It’s been a while since our last update, it’s time to share some news.
The development is still going as fast as we can, we are very satisfied with the graphic results we achieved and we are moving on defining and polishing all the events of the game.
We are trying to reach as many youtubers, journalist, website as possible, in order to let you see how the game is evolving and the point we are so far.

We are trying to give you more translations, the demo of the game is already translated in five languages (Italian, english, russian, spanish and bulgarian) and we intend to have italian, english and russian voice acting.

Probably you already saw some videos going on our social networks (if you don’t please follow us on Facebook and Twitter), anyway this is the video from Pandorya (Thank you so much). It covers the first part of the game, we are realising as a demo (press and youtube exclusive).

That’s it for this update, we hope you like the new visual output and the story so far, let us know what you think about it and share it with your friends!